Henry Sokolowski

Summary of Financial Activities


Henry Sokolowski

Henry Sokolowski lives in Upper Moreland Township in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the township's Environmental Action Committee and has served in financial positions on the Upper Moreland Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority board. This page provides an overview of what is currently known about the financial activities in which Henry Sokolowski has been involved during the 2010s and 2020s.

After he became aware this data was to be published, Henry was offered the opportunity to better explain the origin and destination of his funds so that his comments could be posted here, but he declined and threatened legal action.

It is expected that a significant amount of information exists to prove the origin and destination of Henry's funds that is not yet public. This document has been and will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.

Original publication: December 23, 2020

First revision: August 22, 2024



Christopher Sokolowski

I have been aware of the information described in this document for many years, but kept silent on the matter. I understand that it is uncommon for someone to release data such as what is presented below. However, I believe that the extraordinary nature of the circumstances has created an ethical obligation to protect the freedom and finances of family members, friends, and the Upper Moreland Township taxpayer. This information is being presented as clearly as possible so that associates of Henry can make use it to inform their financial decisions.

Money is fungible, and anything of value provided to someone frees up other money to be used for other purposes. It is my hope that this information will draw attention to organizations and people in the Upper Moreland area who are allowing Henry to engage in behavior that possibly contributes great harm to the world, and encourage the community to investigate people and organizations who either provide additional loans, or turn a blind eye to financial misconduct.

I have spent considerable time selecting the exact language used below, have removed anything about which I do not have 100% confidence, and I am so certain of the truthfulness of this information that I would testify to it under penalty of perjury. If you find that I have made any mistakes, please contact me at chris@shoemakervillage.org.

-Christopher Sokolowski



On December 31, 2019, Jean Sokolowski moved out of the marital house and filed for divorce against Henry Sokolowski. Henry continued to live in the house they owned in Huntingdon Valley while Jean moved to State College (both in Pennsylvania). While Jean had been unhappy in her marriage, Jean's immediate reason for departure was because she could no longer trust Henry’s explanations for his financial behavior, and she was worried about being implicated in criminal activity. Creating a legal separation from a possible indictment is why she did not agree to counseling.

As of August 2024, the divorce continues into its fifth year of litigation. On April 30, 2024, the marital home was sold due to a court order. Jean paid 6 months of nonrefundable advance rent, totaling $18,000, so that Henry would leave the house. Henry currently resides in an apartment near Horsham, PA.


Assets and debts

On August 22, 2024, at least $1,987,898.78 of assets were unaccounted for:

All of the above transactions are proven to have occurred - for example, the cryptocurrency transactions can be shown through the linked blockchain transactions. However, the receiver of the money in all cases is unknown.

Additionally, Henry incurred the following debts:

Henry was unable to gain access to a bank account and to a retirement account in Jean's name, and those accounts remain funded.


False stories

While the purpose and destination of Henry's financial dealings have not been found, several explanations Henry provided have been proven false.

Henry falsely claimed to Jean that he had been involved in a bad business deal with a jeweler in the Cayman Islands who was going to open a new jewelry store in Montreal. He claimed that the nonexistent deal had not only cost him his life savings but that it had also caused him to accrue credit card debt. He stated that the credit card debt was incurred trying to recover the lost savings. Further, he stated that the jeweler contracted COVID-19 and died of the disease in March 2020.

However, there had been only two deaths in the Cayman Islands caused by COVID-19 as of December 23, 2020 when Henry made the false claim, and neither victim matched the jeweler's description (link to mention of death totals.)

During a January 23, 2020 conversation I had with my former financial advisor Michelle Keates (who also used to be Henry’s financial advisor), Keates asked me how Diane McElderry's (Henry's sister's) medical treatment was progressing. Unaware of the context of the question, I responded that I was not aware of any hospitalization. Michelle Keates informed me, in a contradiction from Henry's earlier claim about the Cayman Islands, that Henry said he had been withdrawing money from his IRA to care for his ill sister. When asked if she were ill, Diane McElderry stated to Stephen that her medical insurance would cover the cost of treatment if she became sick.


Temporary rescue

On October 25, 2019, Henry called both his sons - Stephen and me - and relayed the false claims about the jeweler, telling us that he could not pay off his debts with his monthly pension check. After refusing the initial request to pay the debt in his name through a secured loan, Henry requested that we provide him with a smaller unsecured loan so that he could at least pay off debts accrued in Jean's name. Stephen and I discussed with Henry and Jean over the next few days a way to provide such a loan, but we could not come to an agreement before Jean traveled to a previously scheduled "Girls' weekend" in Las Vegas.

On October 30, 2019, Henry sent the following message to me:

I’m exhausted and moving on help ur mother . I ll separate or divorce and make it clear for the courts if it goes that far . I’m not saying this to seek sympathy. I don’t want any harm to come to u guys or mom . It was clearly my mistake and I’ll find a way out.

On November 3, 2019, Henry called Stephen and me again with a new proposal that the sons purchase a share in his house so that he could pay off all of of his debts. Stephen and I declined as we did not want to own real estate and because we would become the second lienholder on the property, behind the $140,000 mortgage.

On November 11, 2019, Henry, Stephen, and I agreed to work out a plan to rescue Jean from the debts Henry had accrued in her name. At the time, Henry apologized for his behavior and stated he wanted to make things better. The rescue plan that was agreed was the following:

Despite his promise, as of July 31, 2024, Henry has made no payments towards Jean's Prius loan and has stated that he does not intend to make any payments against this loan.

Henry Sokolowski applied for and was approved for a pandemic-related program to temporarily suspend mortgage payments. This is despite his pension income being unchanged by the pandemic. Henry has expressed that Stephen and I are uncaring for not providing him financial relief from his car loan even though the pandemic has not changed his income or expenses.


Repossession of car

As part of the "temporary rescue" plan, Henry signed a promissory note secured against his Audi Q5. The note, for a total of $35,000, required payments of $1,535.00 per month. Henry failed to make payments on the loan for several months, and then paid intermittently, reducing the debt by less than half the promised amount over the course of the entire year of 2020. To avoid contracting COVID-19, Stephen elected not to repossess the car until December.

A detailed listing of Henry's debts that were consolidated into this car loan is provided below (click to view document).

Audi Loan Clarification

In December 2020, Stephen provided Henry with an ultimatim, and Henry failed to pay. Stephen contacted 38 repossession and towing companies in the Philadelphia area over the course of three days, starting December 30, 2020, but all but one refused to work with him, not believing the debt was valid despite the lien being officially recorded and a signed contract being provided to them. The remaining company, Giannone Services Inc, agreed to perform the repossession but reneged on the deal a few hours later. Stephen then attempted to sell the debt, but there were no buyers despite the car loan being in the unusual position of the vehicle's value of $35,000 being higher than the remaining balance on the loan ($30,000.)

The agreement to repossess the car, which was later reneged upon by Giannone Services Inc, is below (click to view document):

Hold Harmless Agreement

In January 2021, Stephen contracted with an attorney to sue Henry and request a court order to have a sheriff repossess the vehicle by entering Henry's residence. Threatened with this lawsuit, Henry agreed to a three-way deal involving a State College resident. In this deal, the State College resident paid Stephen $30,000, less than the car was worth. The resident gave his 2005 Prius to Henry in exchange for Henry's Audi Q5 and provided Henry with $4,200 to cover the residual value of the Audi; half of this $4,200 loss was absorbed by me as obligated in the contract.

As part of this deal, Henry required that the $4,200 be paid in cash. In explaining why he wanted cash, Henry claimed that banks often froze his funds and he didn't trust banks.

After the car was repossessed, Henry stated multiple times that he intended to purchase a new car. When questioned how he would be able to afford the car, Henry stated that he would be obtaining money by working with someone. In one instance, Henry asked Stephen to accompany him to view Audi and Porsche vehicles whose values exceeded $100,000. Stephen declined.


Assistance to Jean

By the end of 2020, Jean had less than $9,000 remaining in her checking account and was paying rent for her current accommodations while Henry continued to live in the marital house at 2010 Butternut Drive. At the time, the marital house was estimated to be worth $450,000. Earlier in 2020, Henry said to Stephen that he was looking for an apartment to which to relocate. On December 16, 2020, Henry stated that he wanted to continue living in the house and driving his car and will not provide any stipend to Jean. On December 19, 2020, Henry again stated that he wanted to move out of the house. Jean has continued to rent the same house from 2019 to 2024.

In addition to the $50,000 in loans, Stephen and I gave Jean $10,800 as a gift to pay for her first eight months of rent while she got her life back together. Stephen and I also paid to furnish the new property at a cost of $5,000 and spent $5,000 in legal fees to determine how to best shield ourselves and our business from Henry's behavior. Stephen took on liability as a co-signer for Jean’s tenancy since Jean's credit score had been destroyed by the large debts Henry had racked up on the credit cards he stole from her.

The total amount outlaid by Stephen and me is estimated to be at least $71,200. Through repossession of the Audi and the small payments Henry made, approximately $30,000 was recovered. $15,000 is tied up in Jean's Prius loan, which Stephen retains the right to call. The remainder of the outlay, $26,200, was written off as bad debt or was expended in legal bills and basic services to allow Jean to move into her new apartment.


History with women

In the mid-2010s, Henry revealed to Jean that he had granted Donna LaRosa, a woman from Willow Grove, $36,000 of unsecured loans that LaRosa had not repaid as of December 23, 2020. This admission itself was later contradicted in a court deposition (see below), where he stated that the loan amount was actually $46,000. The loans were provided from marital assets without Jean's knowledge.

In the late 2010s, while Jean and Henry were still together, Henry told Jean that he was browsing dating sites, which Jean asked him to stop doing. He said that he had never had sex with another woman and that his use of the dating sites was solely to meet people to make money and to help people out. Later, Henry told Jean that he was going to Philadelphia International Airport to meet a woman to receive something of value.

In September 2019, Jean became angry with Henry and pounded her fist on their kitchen table, demanding that Henry stop going out, but Henry continued to do so. At the time, Jean had started to become aware that money had gone missing but did not know how much money was unaccounted for.

In late October 2019, a few days before Henry asked Stephen and me for money, Henry stole Jean's credit cards and used them to purchase thousands of dollars of bitcoins. After initial publication of this document, Henry disputed the characterization of this action as "theft," on the grounds that he did not actually take the credit cards out of Jean's wallet; he had only overspent cards that had been given to him to use to buy food and other items. The reason for the purchases and where the money currently is are not able to be identified with information presently known.


Stolen credit cards

During the early 2010s, Henry claimed that his own credit cards were also repeatedly stolen by someone else. I had noticed unusual transactions on the statements from stores that he did not know Henry to frequent. When asked, Henry explained that he did not recognize those transactions either and that they were fraudulent. Many of the transactions occurred at the In and Out Express Food Market in Hatboro, PA and were for the same amount, slightly less than $10.

Henry stated that he repeatedly canceled cards and called their fraud departments, but the transactions continued for at least several years. Stephen and me never saw Henry visit the In And Out Express nor did he ever tell us that he had visited the store.


Use of additional phone

Henry purchased a second cell phone to which Jean did not have access. Henry stated that it was his "business phone."

Henry spent a significant amount of time on the phone and would frequently disappear to answer phone calls. When he visited my house, he would often go for long walks. On February 2, 2018, when the outdoor temperature was 9°F, Henry walked around the neighborhood for more than one hour while talking on the phone.

Henry, nearly daily, would leave in the afternoon or evening, reportedly to visit the "drug store" or the "liquor store." He would return hours later, sometimes missing dinner.


Sprint phones incident

In June 2019, I visited a Verizon Wireless store to obtain a SIM card for Stephen’s new cell phone. Henry authorized me to access the family cell phone plan (which was in Henry’s name) to obtain the SIM card. The Verizon Wireless representative looked up the account, and while entering information, the representative noticed two past Verizon Wireless bills of over $13,000 each and remarked that he had never seen a bill that large before. I could not explain the billing situation, but since the bill was paid, I did not concern myself with the issue and just obtained the SIM card.

In October 2019, Henry suggested to Stephen and me that they change cell providers to Sprint. He stated that he was unhappy with Verizon because their service was too expensive. Because Henry’s credit score was so poor, he could not get approved for a Sprint account, so Jean opened the account in her name. The account included six phones: to Jean Sokolowski, Henry Sokolowski (2 phones), Christopher Sokolowski, Rita Wilkowski (Jean’s sister), and Stephen Sokolowski.

On January 2, 2020, Sprint terminated service and froze the phone numbers on the account. Sprint sent the following letter (click to enlarge):

Sprint termination letter.

Henry stated that someone gained unauthorized access to Jean's account and ordered four phones without his permission. However, the phones were actually to be shipped to Henry's house. Stephen called Sprint's legal department four times for more information but was unable to talk to anyone about the issue. Because Stephen was unable to contact Sprint, he could not get the phone numbers released, and the phone numbers that all family members, including Rita Wilkowski, had held for two decades had to be abandoned.

On the day of the service termination, I received a voicemail with an automated message from Sprint. The voicemail stated that someone had contacted Sprint from Henry’s phone number but that an authorization code was needed to make changes to Jean’s account, and the voicemail included said authorization code. When Henry was asked to explain why his phone was used to contact Sprint, he admitted that he had met with someone online with whom he was working to earn money by receiving and then re-shipping cell phones. He stated that he wanted to use this income to pay his debts.

Henry's behavior cost an estimated 100 hours of labor to resolve money issues, to obtain new providers and phone numbers, to change two-factor authentication codes, and to notify people and corporations of the new numbers.

As a result of Henry's actions changing my phone number, I was permanently locked out of and had to abandom my 10-year old Facebook and Gmail accounts because they both had two-factor SMS authentication enabled. I lost access to my email history and had to create new accounts at the dozens of other websites that were associated with my Facebook or Gmail accounts. I likely still have people attempting to contact me at the old Facebook and Gmail accounts whose messages I will never be able to respond to beacause of Henry's actions.

Rita Wilkowski was without phone service for two weeks as a result of the incident because of technical problems setting up new service for her, and she had to call tens of contacts to update them with her new number.

Jean Sokolowski, who was 100% liable for the account, was billed over $4,000, and collections agencies have contacted her multiple times for payment. Jean could not afford to pay, and the debt caused Jean's credit score to drop precipitously. As of 2024, the statute of limitations has expired on the debt. Nevertheless, she continues even in 2024 to receive letters and calls from a company that had purchased the bad debt. These calls attempt to trick her into acknowledging that the debt is still valid, so that she can be sued. She declined to respond to these letters and hangs up on the collections agents.

After Sprint terminated the phone plan, Henry returned to Verizon Wireless for his phone service, despite previously stating that he was unhappy with Verizon's service.


Civil actions

Henry is listed as the defendant in at least four civil actions in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The actions are listed at this link. One action, with American Express National Bank as plaintiff, asked for a $25,000 judgement. This judgement was paid in 2024 from the proceeds of the sale when Henry's house was sold, even though Stephen advised all parties involved to refuse to allow this payment because no lien had been filed against the property. A second case for a different amount also lists American Express as plaintiff.

A third civil action for divorce where Jean is suing Henry has also been ongoing since January 2020. This action started in Centre County but was delayed when the parties agreed to negotiate. The negotiations broke down over Henry's $120,000/year pension from the Federal government. Henry stated that he was unwilling to accept any settlement that involved reducing his pension, and Jean disagreed.

A fourth action was filed in Montgomery County with Cavalry SPV I LLC as plaintiff regarding a credit card debt. Henry was scheduled to attend arbitration, but on July 25, 2024, Henry requested and was granted a continuance.

Henry asked Stephen and me for loans to hire a lawyer for the divorce case, but we declined. Henry changed attorneys from Kristen Fath to Frank Johnson, and stated he was unable to pay his legal bills owed to Fath. The legal bills, if they remain unpaid, are approaching the end of the statute of limitations, but Fath has not sued Henry in Montgomery County.

Henry is in possession of a large amount of data that is expected to reveal critical details about his credit card purchases and bank transfers between 2017 and 2019. He stated multiple times that he would waste as much of Jean's time and money as possible, and he didn't respond to Jean's lawyer's request in May 2020 to produce these receipts. A "Motion to Compel" was filed in the court to order Henry to produce the documents, to pay attorney's fees required to file the motion, and to sanction him for his noncompliance.



On January 2, 2018, Henry contacted me asking for a short-term loan of 17 ether (valued $16,000 at the time) for "an opportunity." Henry would not explain further. I trusted that Henry would pay me back and provided him with the loan (click for link to transaction.) Henry stated that I would be repaid "next week", but after that week elapsed and I contacted Henry multiple times asking for repayment, Henry finally responded that he would send me dollars so that I could re-buy the ether myself, and I was eventually sent repayment. The price of ether increased between the time of the loan and the time of repayment, and Henry repaid over 20% more dollar value than he had borrowed. I have been contacted multiple times by Henry since that incident to purchase and/or loan him additional cryptocurrencies, which I have declined to do.

In October 2019, Stephen had 90% of his net worth in bitcoins, and Henry contacted Stephen and asked for the bitcoin wallet address that held Stephen's life savings. When pressed later, Henry said that he was having trouble with exchanges setting up a bitcoin wallet, and he wanted Stephen to receive the money. It was not clear whether the money was to be retransmitted or stored for Henry. Stephen declined, as for safety Stephen had not entered its private key into a computer since 2013 and would not do so to send a small transaction.

In 2020, Henry stated that he purchased bitcoins frequently but at the same time claimed he had little money. There is no evidence to suggest that his debts have been paid off even though bitcoins have appreciated greatly. The price of bitcoins rose from $10,000 to $24,000 in 2020 alone, and to $61,300 at the time of last update.

Later in 2020, Henry asked Stephen for help in setting up exchange accounts to purchase bitcoins, but Henry has also stated that the fees for his bitcoin purchases are 9%. The licensed exchange market is very competitive, and fees at the popular licensed exchange Bittrex are 0.2%. Only exchanges that are not competing in this market, such as unlicensed money transmission businesses that do not retain records of destination addresses, can charge fees as high as 9% and still gain customers.


Additional loans

On August 13, 2020, Henry repeatedly asked Stephen for another $5,000 unsecured loan, which Stephen declined because Henry's other Audi loan was still in default.

Henry stated that he has additional outstanding unsecured private debts. One of the debts is to the owner of the house across the street from 2010 Butternut Drive, Tim Hoffman, who is owed more than $10,000. The amount currently owed to the other private individuals is not known nor is it known to whom these other debts are owed.


Banking problems

Henry has had many bank accounts during 2020. Henry sent checks from no fewer than 4 different banks to pay Stephen for the car loan. Two of Henry's checks have bounced, and he stated that he changes banks frequently because he doesn't like their services. In December 2020, Henry said that the Office of Personnel Management was unable to deposit his pension into his account until 15 days later because one of his accounts was closed the previous month. The manager of Chase Bank sent a letter on Henry's behalf stating that there was an unspecified problem with his account that had resulted in a freeze of his funds. In December 2020 alone, Henry sent three checks to Stephen, all of which he later stated should not be cashed. One of those checks bounced (click to enlarge):

Bounced check

Twice, Henry called Stephen and asked him to review bank websites to determine if the websites looked like the banks were fraudulent.

In August 2020, Henry received a deposit from the Ohio Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Fund, but there is no knowledge of Henry's having ever lived in or having recently visited Ohio.

Out of fear of police action, Stephen and I have told Henry that they were not going to risk being in the same location as him until one year after he could better explain his multiple bank accounts, how his Ohio Pandemic Unemployment Assistance deposit came about, and where the bitcoins he has purchased have been spent or saved. Additionally, we have required that he cut contact with the people he claimed were involved in the Cayman Islands scam as a condition of meeting. The purpose of not seeing him was to eliminate all ties to themselves in the case of a criminal investigation. Because Henry continues to claim in 2024 that he expected to be able to get enough money to pay off his debts by the end of the month without explaining where that money would come from, Stephen and I will not see him in person until at least 2025.


Tax fraud

In the 2010s, Henry and Jean gave a loan to a family member so that he could open a business, and the business failed in 2019. The family member repaid Henry and Jean despite the business’s failure, but Henry desired to take a fraudulent deduction from the IRS for a loss. Henry sent Jean a draft of a joint tax filing, which in addition to this false loss included statements that nearly every piece of furniture in the marital house – chairs, tables, desks, couches, and beds - had been donated to charity despite at least one of the deducted items - a wooden rocking horse - currently being in Jean’s possession. The disagreement over deductions led to the two filing their 2019 taxes separately. The separate filing angered Henry because he claimed that the separate filing caused him to owe more in taxes regardless of whether the deductions were included. Upon the sale of the marital residence in 2024, it was determined that none of the aforementioned property had been donated as it was still at the marital residence and needed to be moved out.

At the time of the discovery, it was not known whether Henry had actually filed the improper tax return. In a deposition in 2022 (see "Divorce deposition"), he admitted to defrauding the Federal government by filing the return illegally. When Henry's tax fraud (and other criminal activity) was reported to the IRS, the agency did not respond.

This rocking horse was proposed to be deducted in the taxes (click to enlarge):

Rocking horse

Despite filing so many deductions, in 2024 Henry still remained in significant debt to the IRS. Henry stated that much of the debt was caused by 1099-C forms submitted by credit card companies that wrote off uncollectable debt. When such forms are submitted, a taxpayer often owes as much as 33% of the uncollected debt, because it is considered by the IRS as "income."


Divorce deposition

On February 24, 2022, from 9:00am to 1:00pm, a deposition in the divorce case, Jean Sokolowski vs. Henry Sokolowski, was held via Zoom. During the deposition, Henry answered questions about finances during the marriage. This section provides a summary of Henry's testimony in that deposition, including actual quotes where appropriate.


False or misleading statements

During the deposition, Henry made numerous statements that were either directly contradicted by other statements or by evidence presented, or which were vague and lacking in detail.

Residency and mortgage

Henry claimed that Jean was present when he refinanced the mortgage on the Huntingdon Valley home in June of 2019, stating, "she clearly knew what I was doing." In earlier statements, however, Henry had stated that Jean had no involvement in or knowledge of his financial transactions, and that monetary losses had occurred during a time she never took interest in the household finances. When pressed later in the deposition, Henry then could not recall if Jean had actually signed any of the refinancing documents.

Relationships and loans to women

Henry's bank statements revealed a purchase of $9,600 of "Jamaican Stone," which he described as an "aphrodisiac." He denied having an affair with Donna Larosa, while admitting that he loaned her $46,000 without telling Jean. He had previously acknowledged loaning her $36,000, but this deposition revealed that the amount was actually $46,000, significantly more than was previously known. He described this as a business loan, but could not recall the name of Larosa's business or provide any documentation of the loan.

Bitcoin investments and financial losses

Henry made numerous contradictory and misleading statements about his finances and cryptocurrency usage. He claimed that all of the funds from the sale of the State College house were used to pay down the mortgage on the Huntingdon Valley house, stating that the money, "went in -- if you look at the mortgage statements, if you look back over time, you will see the money being contributed toward the mortgage to pay off the house, our mortgage on 2010 Butternut Drive." However, when pressed further, he admitted that "not all of it" went to the mortgage, but could not account for what happened to the rest of the money.

He also claimed that, while he purchased bitcoins frequently, he did not buy them as an investment. He stated that he bought them for other "purposes," or to "try to recover" the money he had lost in other schemes. However, he was unable to explain how buying bitcoin for these purposes would actually lead to recouping his losses. He was also unable to recall how much bitcoin he had purchased in total or to identify where all of the money had gone. A document revealed that numerous purchases of bitcoin were made in 2019 and 2020. When asked if he had any access to the $248,000 he spent on bitcoins in 2019 and 2020 via LibertyX, he responded, "It's all gone." It remains unknown where the money that was spent on bitcoin went, including the bitcoin he purchased using Jean's stolen credit cards, as discussed in the "Stolen credit cards" section.

Retirement funds

Henry admitted to depleting all of his retirement funds in Janney Montgomery Scott. He claimed that he began withdrawing these funds in 2016 or 2017 to invest with Kevin, the Cayman Islands jeweler. He was unable to recall how much money was in his account at the time he began making withdrawals, but did state that the amount he invested with Kevin was "close to $200,000." He then claimed that he liquidated the rest of his retirement savings in an attempt to recoup these losses. This deposition sheds further light on the "Assets and debts" section, as it was only known in 2020 that Henry had falsely claimed to the financial advisor that the money was paying for medical bills for his healthy sister.

Tax returns and charitable contributions

Henry admitted to not reporting the majority of his cryptocurrency transactions on his tax returns. He also admitted to claiming the substantial deductions for non-cash charitable contributions on the 2019 tax return. However, he could not explain the origin of the items he claimed to have donated, many of which were shown to still be in the marital residence in pictures taken by an appraiser in 2020. When confronted about a $4,000 deduction for Christmas tree decorations, he claimed that it was a mistake. He admitted to actually defrauding the IRS by filing the false return, which was unable to be proven before, after avoiding answering the question for over five minutes.

Credit card and PayPal transactions

When questioned about specific charges on his credit card and PayPal statements, Henry frequently stated that he did not know what the charges were for or to whom the payments had been made. He claimed to have been the victim of credit card theft and fraud, but could not provide details about how his information was stolen or what action he took to resolve the issues. He acknowledged owing money to PayPal but could not recall the amount. He claimed to have challenged many of the charges on his PayPal account, stating, "I think I took care of most of the ones that were not legitimately made by me," but could not provide details about how he challenged those charges or whether they had been reversed.


Evasive answers

Throughout the deposition, Henry repeatedly evaded questions by refusing to answer, claiming not to remember, or stating that the information had already been provided in discovery responses. He also repeatedly made claims of being the victim of scammers and hackers but continued to provide very little specific detail about these alleged crimes.

Identity of investors and scammers

Henry refused to disclose the names of many individuals that he allegedly invested with or who had defrauded him, claiming he did not remember their names or that this information was irrelevant. He could not recall the full name of Kevin, the jeweler in the Cayman Islands, and could not provide the name of Kevin's new investment in Canada or the name of the local businessman he had invested in. This new information adds to the list of individuals discussed in the "Cryptocurrency," "Additional loans," and "Stolen credit cards" sections whose identities are unknown.

Bitcoin transactions

When asked about his bitcoin transactions, Henry repeatedly stated that he did not know how much he had purchased in total or where all of the money had gone. He insisted that he did not use bitcoin as an investment, but could not provide any further explanation of what he purchased with it or how his bitcoin transactions would help him recoup financial losses.

Relationships with "friends"

Henry stated that he had been "searching for a friend" since his separation from Jean, and that he believed one or more of these friends would help him financially. He refused to disclose the identities of these friends or to provide details about how they would be providing him with financial assistance, stating, "That's my business, I'm not reporting them."

He also refused to provide information about the individual he planned to live with in the marital residence, stating, "I don't think that's any of your business," raising his voice and adding angrily, "you go to the court and you tell them that you asked for the names of people that I am going to potentially date and live with and I refused to give you the information, period, because it's none of your business what I do or when I change my clothes or what time I get up or who I go out with or who I even party with, it's none of your business."


New information

The deposition revealed some information that had not previously been known.

Participation in mortgage program

Henry acknowledged that he was currently participating in a forbearance program with PennyMac for the mortgage on the marital residence. The program allowed him to make reduced payments of $664.38 for three months, starting on March 1, 2022. He stated that he planned to resume making full mortgage payments once the trial period ended, stating "I suspect you go back to paying full time, which I will. I'm not gonna jeopardize the home, no way." He also acknowledged that he owed back taxes to Upper Moreland Township, specifically school taxes, and was waiting for a payment schedule from Portnoff Law Associates - the township's debt collector. He admitted to deliberately missing the initial payment deadline to have more cash available for his own use, stating "Because I want the cash for my purposes." Henry did not actually pay PennyMac as part of the forebearance program, incurring $30,000 in penalties and interest by the time a foreclosure notice was issued.

Henry also revealed that he was hoping that his neighbor, Tim Hoffman, would buy Jean's half of the marital residence. He explained that Hoffman would provide him with the funds to buy Jean out and then he would "put him on the house." He did not explicitly state whether this meant Hoffman would be added to the deed, only saying it was a "possibility." It is not known if Hoffman actually did loan Henry additional money, but Hoffman was never made a lienholder on the residence.

Additional banking details

Henry stated that he did not have any credit cards currently and was relying solely on his pension for income. He stated that he had "no money" in any bank accounts, and that he only used one bank, American Heritage Credit Union. He claimed that he had to close several accounts at other banks because he was being scammed. Later - in 2023 - Henry told Stephen that American Heritage Credit Union had closed his account.

Clarification of dating site usage

Henry admitted that he was actively using dating sites while still married to Jean. He stated that he believed he could "get money and try to recover that way," but clarified that he did not meet anyone in person from these dating sites and was only using them to find women to "be with" after he and Jean separated. He did, however, state that Jean was aware of his activities on the dating sites because he "let it out" to her.



The marital residence

Financial mismanagement

A key goal of Henry's financial activities during the 2020s was maintaining his residency in the marital house.

Henry did not pay Upper Moreland Towsnhip taxes from 2019 to 2024 - to either the school board or to the real estate tax office. The unpaid tax burden during this time exceeded $45,000. The 2019 taxes were paid by Stephen as part of the "rescue deal" (see above), and Jean paid the 2020 taxes. Starting in 2021, Jean made a decision that she would not input any more money to save marital assets.

As Henry did not pay the tax bills and because he accrued other debts, a title insurance company attempted to force the following bills to be paid before the house was sold:

As American Express Inc. had not filed an action to attach a lien to the property, there was no legal requirement for that bill to be paid upon the house's sale; this issue is addressed later in this section.

In December 2023, the refrigerator in the house failed. Henry called Stephen and complained about the issue, and Stephen advised Henry to use Craigslist and buy a used working refrigerator since he would be moving out of the house soon. Instead, Henry purchased a brand new refrigerator valued in excess of $2,000, which he stated was paid for on credit. This new refrigerator was left in the house when he moved several months later as Jean already owned a refrigerator, the apartment complex to which Henry was moving was already furnished with one, and after assembly the unit was now too large to fit through the house's doors. As the debt used to purchase the new refrigerator was unsecured, the creditor has no recourse to collect.

Lack of maintenance

Henry failed to maintain the house to the same standards as it was maintained prior to 2019, and he intentionally failed to pay contractors who performed work on the property. In 2021, Henry sold his lawn tractor, which had been purchased with an unsecured loan, and did not repay the loan prior to the sale. Thereafter, he hired several lawn contractors to mow his lawn. He refused to pay at least one contractor, racking up hundreds of dollars of bills. The lawn contractor stopped cutting the grass for nonpayment. When Jean later visited a neighbor who lived down the street, she noticed that the grass was almost one foot tall. As of the date of last update, the lawnmowing bills were not paid, and there are no small claims cases listed on the court docket, leaving the contractors with bad debt.

In 2022, a flood occurred in the basement after a pipe burst. The flood damaged a finished section of the basement, destroying several ceiling tiles, a section of drywall, and the carpet. Henry submitted an insurance claim for the damage and was paid a lump sum of approximately ten thousand dollars for repairs. However, rather than making the repairs, Henry fraudulently accepted the money and spent it on unknown purchases. Henry removed the damaged carpet, drywall, and ceiling tiles and left the previously finished area of the basement in an unfinished state with bare floors.

The images of the basement damage are below:

Basement wall with exposed plumbing and wiring Close-up of water damage on a wooden beam in the ceiling Basement wall with damage near the floor Ceiling corner showing water damage and exposed insulation Mold and water damage on basement wall framing

At an unknown time, mold grew in the house's attic, requiring $4,000 in repairs. Henry stated in 2021 that he would repair the mold, but he did not. The mold was not remediated until weeks before the house was sold. Jean was forced to take a loan from a real estate company to pay for the mold remediation, and the pressure to repay this loan was a contributing factor in her being taken advantage of by the other parties involved in the real estate sale; this incident is discussed later in this section.

In early Spring 2023, a blockage occurred in the sewer line under the house. Being unable to afford repairs because he had spent his monthly pension check, Henry went without toilet service for over one month and said he was unable to shower. After he was paid his pension the next month, Henry contracted with Len The Plumber to clear the blockage.

The landscaping on the exterior of the house was not maintained. Two weeping cherry trees, valued at $3,000 each, suffered die-off on many branches. A large tree (missing on right) that died was not replaced, and the front landscaping became dominated by rocks and dirt. The exterior is pictured below (click to enlarge):


2022 agreement to relocate

During 2020, Henry waffled over whether he would like to remain in the marital residence. At one point during that year, Henry contacted Stephen and stated that he wanted to settle the divorce, move to California, cut ties with everyone, and start a new life. Stephen encouraged him to do that, but Henry changed his mind and made a final decision to not only remain in the residence, but to do so as long as possible. Henry stated that he would exploit the legal system's inefficiencies to drag out the case for as long as possible, and acknowledged that his hope was that he would die before the case was settled.

In May 2022, Henry agreed to move out of the house into an apartment, with the proceeds from the house sale to be placed in an escrow fund administered by Stephen. He agreed to a deal with the following terms:

The contract and other documents for this arrangement are posted below (click to view full documents):

House sale agreement Lease House settlement deed

On May 26, 2022, Jean visited the house to retrieve some personal items before this transfer and was accompanied by a family member. She successfully retrieved the items and loaded them into the car; and then presented the contract to Henry for his signature. Even though thousands of dollars had been spent in preparations, Henry reneged on the deal and became agitated. The argument spilled out onto the street, with Henry raising his voice and threatening Jean and the family member while using foul language. The incident was recorded, but the recording was lost. While the loud verbal argument continued for some time, no physical injuries arose from the incident and Jean and the family member eventually left without the contract being signed.

Perjury and court-ordered sale

Following the unsuccessful contract, a hearing was scheduled for Jean to argue that the court should order the house's sale. The hearing was scheduled for the winter but was continued until early May 2023, one year later. During the hearing, Judge Virgil B Walker stated that he was hesitant to order someone to leave the house without providing every opportunity to remain. He ordered Henry to bring the mortgage, which was in arrears, up to good standing and to pay the house's property taxes. During this hearing, Henry perjured himself and stated that he was up to date on his payments.

Henry failed to make the required payments, so Jean filed a second motion to order the sale of the house. During this hearing, held on October 6, 2023, Henry was ordered to provide written evidence that he had paid the property taxes and other bills - and, should he not do so within two weeks, the house was to be sold using the services of Jill Goldman, from Compass Realty. After Henry failed to provide the evidence, the house was listed in March 2024.

Selling the house required repairs to be made due to the lack of maintenance Henry had made on the property. Jean was forced to borrow $5,000 to pay for these repairs, which devalued the proceeds obtained from the house sale because the loan was repaid from them.

Both Henry and Jean were surprised by the number of interested buyers in the house, which sold for $65,000 over its asking price in just five days. This fast sale left Henry with only four weeks to move. On the same day the sale contract was signed, Pennymac Loan Services initiated foreclosure proceedings against the property.

In mid-April, Henry called Stephen and stated that he had no money and would be unable to leave the house because he had nowhere to go. He stated that most landlords in Pennsylvania used an automated scoring system based upon a tenant's background and that Henry's poor credit score resulted in a disqualifying score under this tenant score system. Stephen responded with a recommendation that he contact his sister and move in with her. Henry either did not contact his sister or was rejected by her.

On April 15, 2024, Henry contacted Stephen and told him that he would not be leaving the house. The realtor, Jill Goldman, and Jean worked out an arrangement that would involve Stephen's fronting $18,000 for a 10-day loan to the estate, which was to be repaid from the house's proceeds on the settlement date. This money would be used to pre-pay 6 months of rent at an upscale apartment complex. Stephen evaluated the proposal but ultimately decided that, because of Henry's failure to sign the May 2022 house sale contract, he could not find a way to make the deal work. At the same time, the buyers of the house baited and switched Jean, requesting a modification to the contract terms that would result in their paying $1,500 less.

Pressure campaign on Jean

As a result of Henry's refusal to move, an immediate sale would require Jean to input an additional $18,000 into the marital estate that would not be repaid, and accept the $1,500 loss from the bait and switch. Additionally, although the $25,000 American Express judgment had not been recorded as a lien against the property and did not involve the house or service on it, one of the parties involved in the sale insisted that the proceeds from the house be used to pay the $25,000. All of these non-mandatory bills, which amounted to almost 8% of the house's value, suddenly appeared in the last two weeks (and these don't count the sudden liens that were valid and which weren't filed an unknown reason until the last five days.)

These sudden demands occurred in immediate succession, with the buyers, insurance companies, Henry, the company lending Jean the money for the mold repairs, the foreclosure proceedings, and other demands all happening on successive days and sometimes with multiple demands occurring on the same day. The money required to sell the house rose from zero to over $50,000 over the course of just 10 days. All of these people, including Henry, suddenly appeared and pressured Jean to close the deal, even though she had not been responsible for even a single one of the charges.

Given how all these charges suddenly arose, and given how Jean was not responsible for or involved in any of them, Stephen recommended to Jean that she offer to allow the liens and the mold remediation loan to be deducted from the house sale, but stand firm that she would not sign any sale agreement where the other sudden charges were deducted. She was advised to let lawyers and the court system deal with the fallout should the other parties refuse to complete the sale, as she could defend any breach of contract lawsuits should they occur. His reasoning, that Jean had the stronger negotiating position, was as follows:

The most important part of Stephen's reasoning was that even if the sale did complete after all the sudden bills were paid, it would almost certainly be years, a decade, or never, before a court would determine who would receive the then inflated-away money. The money was to be placed in the custody of a law firm without being invested even in Treasury bonds. Meanwhile, she was reducing her remaining savings.

Ultimately, Jean decided against Stephen's advice to accept the losses proposed by the parties involved in the house transaction and pay for Henry's apartment advance through an IRA withdrawal, delivering the $18,000 by bank check to the leasing office and incurring thousands of dollars in taxes. Henry moved into the apartment complex with the six months of rent covering Henry's bills until October 26, 2024.

The house was sold for $665,000. After the tax liens, the lawsuit judgments accrued by Henry, the mortgage, $45,000 in interest and penalties on the mortgage, the $1,500 bait and switch from the buyer, the $18,000 rent advance, repair bills, legal fees, transfer tax, real estate agent commissions, and other fees were paid, just $315,000 remained. This money remains in an escrow account, which will be released when (or if) the divorce is settled.


Organizations and volunteering

Upper Moreland Hatboro Join Sewer Authority

Henry was a member of the board of directors of the Upper Moreland Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority from the 2010s until mid-2024. Members of the board oversee the Sewer Authority's manager and employees on behalf of the Upper Moreland Township commissioners. The board's members are appointed by the commissioners.

Henry served as the board's Treasurer during the same time his and his wife's funds and her property began to go missing. During the 2020s, Henry served as the board's Vice President. In mid-2024, Henry either resigned from or was removed from the board, and the reason is not publicly available. No publicly available evidence exists supporting either conclusion that Henry did, or did not, misallocate taxpayer funds.

Jenkintown Food Cupboard

Henry serves as a volunteer at the Jenkintown Food Cupboard, an organization that distributes free food to families in need. Henry loads cars during the Cupboard's weekly food distributions and stated that the Cupboard was interested in putting him in charge of a new location further north in Montgomery County, but this location has not yet opened.

Despite earning over $12,000 per month through his pension, Henry said that he receives food from the organization. This food is donated by local businesses and is purchased with cash donations from the community. It is not known whether the Cupboard makes an exception and sells Henry food from its deliveries for profit, or whether Henry actually receives free food paid for by community members' donations.


Police involvement

Henry has had several encounters with the Upper Moreland Township police.

Death threats against Jean incident

On June 1, 2022, at around 1:30pm EDT, Henry called Stephen and requested additional loans from him. Henry stated that he had run out of money and needed additional funds for an important opportunity. He stated that he would pay Stephen back multiple times over what was being asked for, but Stephen declined. Henry threatened to destroy items in the house. The call then either disconnected or Henry hung up.

Stephen immediately called Henry back and said that the line had been disconnected. Henry became angry, and Stephen asked Henry why he was so angry. Stephen said that he would record the call if Henry continued to be threatening and show his anger, and Henry stated that he didn't care. When asked why he was angry, Henry responded:

"I needed the money! It's critical! What the **** do you think I would call you up after everything that's been going on..."

He then proceeded to use foul language. The call ended with the following statement:

Tell her she's going to pay a price for you telling me, turning me down! You're just a little ****, a ****. You're gonna get it, and so is your brother, and your mother's gonna pay the price for everything! I'm gonna kill her; I'm going to snuff her out. Trust me. I can do it!

Listen to audio of call

Stephen forwarded the recording to the Upper Moreland Township police department, which opened an investigation that is recorded in the Township's database as ID UM-22-08662. The officer called Stephen and asked for background about the call. Stephen stated to the officer that Henry was asking for money and that Stephen would never loan Henry any money under any circumstances. Stephen further stated that he was concerned that Henry would retaliate with false police reports against his businesses.

The officer, Amanda Kay, visited Henry's residence around 5:10pm EDT on June 1, 2022. She discussed the call with Henry, who claimed that he actually wanted to "kill [Jean] financially." Officer Kay warned Henry not to make similar threats in the future and left. She then called Stephen and suggested that Jean file for a "protection from abuse" order.

Stephen also forwarded the recording to the Patton Township Police Department. An officer was sent to Jean's address on June 2, 2022, at around 10:00am, and that officer similarly recommended that Jean request a protection from abuse order against Henry. Jean did so, but was convinced to accept a civil order instead of fighting for a criminal order after Henry requested a continuance and vowed to fight the request in court. The civil order was agreed to by both parties, lasted for 1.5 years, and expired on February 16, 2024.

Stolen phone report incident

In July 2022, Henry reported to the Upper Moreland Township police that a theft related to a cell phone had occurred, and visited the police station that evening. An officer called Jean and asked for information about Henry. Jean summarized the facts in this document, among other information. The officer appeared to become concerned that Henry was perhaps not being truthful with his report, thanked Jean for her assistance, and hung up. The disposition of the case is not known.

Suicidal Telegram

On October 6, 2022, Henry contacted Stephen by Telegram and stated that he was tired of life and that he might kill himself. The text of the suicidal Telegram is included below.

I guess I have to try something drastic like suicide to get at help. Even I said I was reforming u wouldn’t believe it. What would it take ?

After receiving the Telegram, Stephen forwarded it to the Upper Moreland Police Department, at around 9:50pm, and went to sleep. An officer called me at 10:15pm, requesting more information about what was going on.

Officers visited Henry's home a few minutes later to perform a welfare check. Henry had stated that he had no food left because he had no money. It is unknown what else the officers found during the check. The officers left and filed a report, with no further action taken.


Planned travel

Henry contacted Stephen and me between 2021 and 2024 and discussed his plans to travel to different locations in the United States. Many of the trips were ill-defined, with flexible itineraries, and involved meeting people who a reasonable person might infer were involved in illegal financial activities. Stephen and I declined all of Henry's invitations to travel, including those listed below.

In 2021, Henry stated that someone from Albany, NY was traveling to his residence to meet him. No evidence is available to determine whether this trip actually occurred. In 2023, Henry again stated that he wanted to travel to Albany, but ultimately told Stephen that he had cancelled his trip.

In May 2023, Henry stated that he was going to visit Florida but wouldn't go into the details of the trip. Henry attempted to visit Florida multiple times, but it is unknown whether he followed through on the final attempt. During the first attempt, Henry stated he had purchased train tickets to travel himself to Florida and then to return with someone - but ultimately cancelled the trip. Later, he again said he was going to fly to Florida, this time for a vacation. It is unknown if he actually boarded the flight.

In July 2024, Henry stated that he wanted to travel to New Hampshire to meet a woman with whom he was doing to do business. He asked Stephen and me to drive to Horsham, pick Henry up from his apartment residence, and travel to New Hampshire. In New Hampshire, Henry would conduct his business and Stephen, me, Henry, and the woman would return to Henry's apartment. Henry offered $1,000 to Stephen and me for this two-day task, stating that he would have money after the deal to pay us then. Stephen and I declined, with Stephen recalling how Henry had reneged on the May 2022 house sale contract.


Messages to family members

This section includes some of the messages and E-Mails that Henry sent to family members that corroborate the statements above. Many of the messages include errors because they were dictated with speech-to-text software. Some messages include explicit language.

2019-12-19 - Henry to Stephen - Threat to destroy computer equipment in his house
And if you guys upset my wife any further I said my wife not your mother my wife I will destroy us I will come after you with a vengeance in someway somehow I still love you but she’s my wife and if you miss lead her or put it on the wrong path and Cioci here’s what I have to say and let her make her own decision I will I’ll do everything to you as I get that fucking equipment and put it out on the street do you want it there I put it there don’t get me angry be my sons that’s all I want you to be you’ll get your money
2020-03-07 - Henry to Stephen - Admits to wasting Jean's time and "punishing" her
Steve I understand but given no relief I will need to do something and maybe that’s pay u guys let the divorce sit and when I’m able to punish ur mother. I will catch up in time and eventually I’ll be able to string mom out and let her pay a ton of money to her lawyer. Your grandfather always told me I did the same thing he did and I know I did I married down . Your mom was barely living above poverty in Richmond and rescued her. After she filed what she sent me with not a single piece of information like the mortgage being considered I HATE HER . I didn’t deserve this. I need at least one son I can trust don’t share my feelings or this with anyone. PLEASE. Your mother has serious mental issues. If u knew about her childhood like I do u might understand. I built our life’s into a fairy tale . Except for being a good mother she was a lousy wage earner and horrible wife . Afraid of her shadow to even ask for a promotion. Please keep this to yourself I will punish her for filing for divorce . Unless she can get some of my money even with my bills I’ll have enough money to drag this thing out forever and make her legal costs so high she’ll give in eventually that’s what I’ll do I’ll destroyer I am so angry at her
2020-04-14 - Henry to Stephen - Admits to the $15,000 loan agreement, but now using it in divorce
Steve might you got understand mom has chosen a path that was never expected by filing for divorce he is chosen to accuse me of everything now she’s going to send me 70 questions to answer to try to quit incriminate me which is ridiculous but she won’t end and then at the same time she’s not paying anything OK she still owns this house she still owns this house I don’t own what she’s she took out but she owns this house and she owes me money for now that will be part of the negotiations OK and I’m not paying a bill that she sign for because she signed for if she was stupid enough to sign for it that’s no problem because times of changed it wasn’t that way before it is that way now I’m going to crucify her I told you that she’s going to pay money like she’s never seen before when it comes to the lawsuitAnd as far as your money I asked you for May 22 I think it was that date I want to know the full amount I/O you cause I’m gonna pay Zora off OK at least a 35 and maybe the 50 I’ll decide on that depending on how fair mom as if mom decides to stick to this ridiculous and I say ridiculous proposal and put it to me I’m gonna put it to her to 15,000 is going to be her responsibility not mine regardless of what I said it’s now legal it wasn’t legal before legal legal with lawyers
2020-04-16 - Henry to Stephen - Henry admits to buying bitcoins
Steve just for your information I got a question say from your mothers lawyer oh my God she is going to be overwhelmed with paper I’m just printing her every page of what she wants and she’s gonna have to figure it out it’s gonna take her a month to figure all this out pages and pages of bitcoin transactions and all this kind of stuff I don’t even think she knows what they are I can’t figure them out so she’s gonna have one hell of a time she’s going to charge mom through the nose good for her mom deserves it she’s getting her way. I don’t think even you guys could figure this out I’m praying out what Crackin what what I sold on crack and I like that she’ll never figure this out never not in 1 million years she’s going to have to get an education bitcoin to be able to figure this out I love it I love it I’m gonna drive the lawyer nuts
2020-07-01 - Henry to Stephen - Henry disowns and threatens Christopher
Steve I told your brother how I feel if he doesn’t like it and he doesn’t want to get paid on July 1 fine fucking come get the car I don’t care take it - Chris is really considerate guy fuck him that’s all I said to him fuck him I don’t even want to talk to him he’s no son of mine
2020-07-16 - Henry to Stephen - Henry threatens to call Rita Wilkowski
Steve one more thing assuming the case is brought down here not only with mom have to be on the witness stand I would call Chuckie Rita to the witness stand because Chuck The Tree told me point blank she’s not gonna divorce you OK and that would be something I would sign and swear to because she said it and then they will put it on the witness stand and she would have to either deny it and lie or agree to it so you know these are the reasons why it should be down here I don’t know what mom’s reasons are but I can’t think of a single one Steve now I’m just ran when you can ignore this but your rent check to Rita she’s a bag of wind besides being crazy I saved her son [censored] and you know it you remember that issue [censored] it wasn’t for me [censored] probably well she forgets about that real conveniently though all the things I did for her mother and father making the mattress for the bed up for her mother running all the stuff I did Sheen mom never did a fucking thing for my parents nothing she hardly visited them and when my mom was in a nursing home I think she went maybe three times in the course of a couple years your mom was not the angel you think she was she was lazy ask Her tell her what I said I don’t care ask if she did any of that how many time she visited my mother and father and how much I did for her mother and father ask her who was it for me that house on Richmond street would’ve never been sold away it was like I spent a lot of time over there fixing it up and cleaned it up your mother did too but I was there but she was never with my parents for anything not the house not the cars nothing not even to visit them when they were sick she was never there in fact she was pissed off because they would walk in the house without knocking on the door because they had the key how stupid is that your mom is not as nothing is touching need except she’s not quite there yetBut I think she will be she’s just like her sister except not quite as bad right now and she’s taking advice from her sister to believe me she is
2020-07-23 - Henry to Stephen - Admits to not paying loans, falsely claims dollars not exchanged to bitcoins
Steve NDR IS NATIONAL DEBT RELIEF I’m supposed to be sending $2000 a month for 53 months but the first couple of months there you’ll see I can’t do it because I got the taxes I have to pay so either stop there’s some money in the fund already I got I’m not keeping up with it because of that look at those taxes Steve and where is the money going it’s going to pay all the bills it’s not going out to bitcoins or anything else well I’m not playing with those people how could I can’t buy anything
2020-08-27 - Henry to Stephen - Henry has another bad check
I just sent you both an email or text message rather and told you to not cash that check terret up I dropped Citizens Bank because I don’t like what they were doing I got angry with him so I’ve signed up with Ally bank and it’s going to be a few days later but you’ll get a new check please tell Chris I don’t know if he read the message or not it will be there I have the money but I got to stop the check from going into Citizens and it’s going to go back to OPM and then it’s got to go to Ally bank because I went into a PMs website too late they need salt too much notice to resend it to somewhere else but you’re getting it it’s coming don’t think any other way I have the money for ito
2020-12-19 - Henry to Stephen - Severs ties
Steve all I want is my car and my pension and my stereo equipment mom can have what’s with the house and chicken have anything she wants in the house I don’t give a shit about it I want the grandfather clock that’s all grandfather clock stereo equipment and car and split the house until she has to pay for half of the mortgage and she knows it that’s what I want you talk to where you get your money for your car we’re fucking done with this talking like this I don’t need to worry about you guys anymore I’m done with all of us it’s my problem I made it I know it and I’m getting out of it and that’s all I wanna do it and tell your brother that not to cash that check I’m selling a house fuck it
2020-12-19 - Henry to Stephen - Threatens to destroy pictures

In this message, Henry threatens to destroy his wife's family's images that date from 1918. However, these images were scanned in 2010 and backed up in 3 separate locations.

And now that you got me all excited there’s one thing that you guys will never ever ever get from me unless you come begging and mom to specially mom all the pictures I took all those years of all the places we are at or on my computer and my phone and you will never get them and I’ll destroy the pictures that are there in the house you’ll never get them either so whatever she’s got in terms of pictures that’s all she’s going to ever get over her mother and father I won’t give her any of them none” can’t order me to give up pictures that I took that my property